Sophie & Frédéric

got married

In Ré Island

De l’aube au crépuscule on enfourche un vélo

Pour aller au marché, pour faire des ronds dans l’eau,

Contempler les bateaux, observer les oiseaux.

Le Soleil disparaît et la Lune apparaît.

Il fait soudain bien frais sur les plages dorées.

Serre-moi, embrasse-moi, il est trop tôt pour rentrer.

Saturday September 3rd 2022

Les Portes en Ré

The pictures are available online

We are happy to let you know that the wedding photos are now available online at Please email us at [email protected] to obtain the identifiers allowing access to the photos. The photos produced by Alexia Perchant will...

Thank you!

Dear family, dear friends, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the joy you brought us by your presence at our wedding! We are thinking of you who surrounded us so warmly and hope that your return to school, to business is going well. In September, the swallows...

La Rochelle railway station

La Rochelle Airport

Les Portes en Ré

Ré Island bridge